The world is transforming, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)  are enabling the most of the actual work with the addition of more value to it. It has become easier to achieve goals, insights, the decision in critical situations with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 


Artificial Intelligence can be defined as the ability of computer systems to take actions for tasks related to intelligence. It gives the feature of human characteristics such as the ability to reason, discover, conclusion and learning from existing experiences. 


It came into existence since the development of digital computers in the 1940s. 


While Machine learning is the application of artificial intelligence which helps systems with the ability to automate the knowledge and improving the process from existing experiences, it develops computer programs and provides access to data and information and learns from it. 


While artificial intelligence & machine learning gives a different definition, however, they are correlated with each other. Both are related to technologies and are used as a synonym sometimes as well and transforming the world in a similar manner. 


How artificial intelligence works?

The AI system doesn’t require to be pre-setup or programmed; it uses algorithms which works with its intelligence. 

Artificial intelligence human like robot is based on human intelligence process and works in a way that a system or machine can easily follow it and execute the tasks converting it to a more natural way from complexity. Artificial intelligence objectives are learning, reasoning and perception. 


AI has been growing ever since it evolved and benefiting many different industries. AI can be classified into three categories based on their capabilities, such as:

  1. Weak AI
  2. General AI
  3. Strong AI

1. Weak AI

Weak AI also refers to Narrow intelligence, is the only AI in today’s world, which has been successfully implemented and realized till date. It is designed as goal-oriented, to perform singular tasks, secure and intelligent to complete the specified tasks it is intended to do. 


This AI system operates under limited functions due to which is it know as Weak AI. It doesn’t replace or replicate human intelligence. 


2. General AI

General AI also referred to as General AI, is designed of a machine with general intelligence that follows human knowledge and behaviour and has the ability to learn and apply the same information to perform tasks. General AI has the ability to think, learn, understand and take action in humanly action in any given situation. 


General AI takes theoretical knowledge of mind AI framework, which is referred to the ability of needs, emotions, beliefs and thought the process of other entitles. Although it is not a replacement, it is about machine training to understand humans. 

3. Strong AI

Strong AI also defined as Super Intelligence is an open program that doesn’t only follows and copies human intelligence and behaviour but also becomes self-aware and super ability and capacity of human knowledge. This artificial superintelligence focuses on relating to human behaviour, emotions and experiences that perform the same way on its own. 

In today’s world, only Weak and General AI is being used. Strong AI is the future of AI and has a theory about being intelligent than human beings.

Will artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is adding great value to superhuman intelligent devices and indelible objectives of human-level knowledge. It will be advantageous for the human race if Artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence. Although there are negative points however utilizing the sources in a correct way won’t have negative impacts. Looking at the current picture of the world, the development and improvement of Artificial intelligence are going great and replacing the world load for the human race. 

To reduce man efforts and cost-cutting, industries are utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning. And these processes are rapidly increasing in industries for easier workflow. Hence, the growth of artificial intelligence and machine learning is growing and one day it will definitely surpass human intelligence. 


Now, let’s talk discuss Machine learning.

Machine Learning can be categorized into three different types:

  1. Supervised Learning
  2. Unsupervised Learning
  3. Reinforcement Learning


1. Supervised Learning

Supervised Learning is the type of learning that is guided by the programmer. Dataset guides and train the model or the machine. Once the machine gets trained, it works accordingly and starts making predictions when new data input is given to it. 


2. Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning learns through observation and discovers structures in the data. It automatically finds a pattern in the dataset by developing clusters in it. In this system, one doesn’t have to guide the machine. It gives the tool to work in it owns to discover the patterns on the basis of previous undetected. It focuses on dealing with unlabelled data. 


3. Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is the capability of interacting with the surrounding environment and discovers the best outcomes for it. It is the process of training and guiding the machine to create a sequence of decisions. 

As discussed and understand the meaning of AI and ML above, the technology of AI and ML has been improving ever since the development of them, and in today’s data, it is considered matured technology. Companies have already started working actively in employing AI and ML in different ways.  AI and ML have the capability to transform the world. We have already seen growth in these two terms, and it’s never going to stop. With the utilisation of correct and necessary resources every year, these are working effectively. The current environment has been growing and developing new resources and tools to build AI and ML, as they need from outsource and human intelligence.

Researches and development are in progress to have the ultimate impact and goals in the world of AI and ML. The more effort of human intelligence, the more strong AI and ML will evolve. 


How AI and ML are impacting Human Lives?


Although we are still working on two-phase of AI, the advance version of AI and ML are still too far from our ideal situation. There’s an even a long way to go for breakthrough for advance version; however, it has already started operating, acting and making decisions in a more natural more naturally way from human behaviours. 


How is it transforming the world?

As we have discussed the types of Artificial intelligence and machine learning, we can conclude that how these works and how further these can go. These are already making a more natural way to process work & activities to make more comfortable and smoother life of beings. From acting like human behaviour to process the data, AI and ML are doing that by themselves with minimal involvement of humans. 

Already many companies and industries have used and still using the process of AI and ML to have betterment in their activities. These have helped in growing the product and services in businesses and economic values as well. 

Present days, A little human input is needed in AI and ML to process and train it however as future prediction, this system will be smarter, and more intelligence than human beings and there will be letter human efforts to have a smooth flow of information and other activities. 



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